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Kauri Kids early childhood education centres

About our centres

Our Kauri Kids early childhood education centres provide care and education for tamariki (children) in Auckland up until they are old enough to start primary school at five or six years old.

Each centre is staffed by a team of passionate early childhood educators who live and breathe our philosophy.

Why choose Kauri Kids?

At Kauri Kids, we believe that with the right nurturing all tamariki can be as mighty as the kauri tree.

Our goal is to enable our tamariki and their whānau to develop the skills they need to reach their potential and live a healthy and prosperous life.

Kauri Kids' vision and values

Our commitment to sustainability

We empower tamariki to care for the environment so they can become kaitiaki (custodians), use resources wisely, and take an active role in fighting climate change.

Each centre has its own environmental initiatives. These could include:

  • using cloth wipes and nappies instead of disposables
  • wet bags instead of plastic bags
  • worm farming and composting food scraps
  • beeswax wraps instead of plastic wrap
  • collecting and repurposing bread tags
  • recycling yoghurt pots and baby food plastic pouches
  • a shared vegetable and herb garden.

The power of free play

We're strong believers in the power of free play and play-based learning. That's why you won't see many 'typical' toys or structured activities when you walk into our spaces.

We set tamariki up with real, everyday objects and natural play materials, and leave it up to them to choose what interests them. We help them to develop their imaginations and explore the environment around them.

Children love moving and being physically active is an important part of everyday life. With this in mind, we actively encourage children to move freely on their own, as their capabilities and development allow.

Tamariki are also given daily opportunities to practice climbing, balancing, kicking, throwing and jumping.

Nurturing relationships

We value respectful relationships.

At our centres, our kaiako (teachers) recognise and respond to tamariki as individuals. We value their mana (self-esteem) and their sense of belonging.

Kaiako also encourage tuākana / teina (older person/younger person) relationships.

We teach social skills by supporting and guiding tamariki in their learning. We encourage them to be resilient, take risks, understand and express their emotions.

Creating global citizens

In order to succeed in our rapidly changing, and increasingly interconnected world, we teach our tamariki to become global citizens.

Global citizenship is the idea that everyone, no matter where they live, is part of a worldwide community and they should respect other cultures and the environment and contribute to wider society.

Our curriculum helps tamariki develop essential skills that will support their lifelong learning and promote respect for diversity: such as problem-solving, communication, collaboration and cross-cultural awareness.

Book a visit

Find us on Kindello to book a visit at your nearest Kauri Kids. Our kaiako (teachers) would love to meet you and answer any questions you may have.

Get in touch

If you have any other questions about Kauri Kids, feel free to include those in your enquiry below, we'd love to hear from you!

Make an enquiry

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Connect with us and follow Kauri Kids Early Childhood Education on Facebook to stay up to date with all our Kauri Kids centres.

Our Kauri Kids locations